Saturday 14 May 2011

Final film editing sessions

I cannot believe how long it takes to make minor adjustments to the editing.  In spite of a broken leg, I have spent four hours in the editing suite this week after a tutorial with Steve B. at BCU. He also prefers the orchestral version of 'Under Pressure'. I am pleased that he commented that the images carry you along with the rhythm as I have really worked hard to achieve this. There is some refining needed but I will wait until the final rendering to do that.  I explained that I have found some closer images of an albatross in flight which are far more appealing and make you feel more connected with it.  I am going to replace those with the current ones I have which are a little distant and blurred.

I am also playing with the presentation of the quotations from the Rime of the Anciernt Mariner.  I don't want them to distract from the images. I am going to test out using a split screen where the quote is in its own area at the bottom.  Also I will try using a black background with just the quotation on the screen.  What I am up against is maintaining the rhythm of the music and so squeezing in enough time to read the text means losing an image along the way. As every image is crucial to the narrative, my dilemma is which ones to cut?

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