Tuesday 3 May 2011

A final collaborative Art project

In the run-up to our Final Degree Show I shall continue to edit my film until I am satisfied with the final piece. Easier said than done with a leg in plaster. The editing studio at King Edward V1 Handsworth School is on the second floor and is not wheelchair accessible. There are two flights of ten steps to negotiate. What choice do I have?  I had to get up there.  I lowered myself onto the first step and then shuffled up the first flight on my bottom.  At the landing I scooted along then raised myself onto the bottom step of the second flight.  Once at the top I lifted myself onto an office chair with castors and, with help, wheeled myself into the studio. Tiring but worth it.

I took up where I had left off with my film before Easter. It is good to see it with fresh eyes after a break.
I have made some subtle changes. I have been looking at tv commercials on the internet for 'life-enhancing' consumer products. Bottled water is an obvious choice. Plastic bottles spell disaster for the environment. I have combined the Evian water babies advert with a clip of marine plastic litter. They juxtapose well. In addition I have merged a clip from a Huggies disposable nappies commercial with an image of a disposable nappy floating in the sea.  Those 6 seconds of film took me two hours to edit.  I am now looking at appropriate places in the film to insert lines from the poem 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner'

I was in the process of editing when Nick, Head of Art came in from his office next door.  He was about to leave for the day. I asked him if he could spare 3 minutes. He watched the film and his reaction was very encouraging.  He said the images of the alabatross corpses reminded him of fossils.  If they were dug up in years to come, people would ask, 'what are those coloured objects, they aren't bones?'  They would be shocked to discover that they are plastic that is not biodegradable. It was then that I told Nick that it is with that in mind that I am producing this film as I intend to use it as the basis for an art workshop.  He said he would be happy for me to use it with his classes.  We discussed the students using man-made plastic litter to create an organic sculpture.  If I come up with a scheme of work, Nick will provide the students.
I was so thrilled.  It will be an opportunity to use my film as a catalyst for some artwork and use this group as a sounding board.  Just the good news I need to kick-start my final phase of my degree work.

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