Tuesday 14 June 2011

Degree Show, Bournville, 13 June 2011

What a night!  It began at 5pm when my friend transported me to college with my mobility scooter.  We went into the studio were my TV installation was located. It wasn't switched on.  My friend went in search of the TV remote. She found it and I started the film. The sound was over the headphones. We left to go to the fashion show out on the Green.
At 7pm we returned and I was pleasantly surprised to see quite a few people moving through the studios.When about eight people were looking at the film, I asked if they would like to hear it. They said yes so I pulled the headphones and we had live sound. I talked a little about the concept of the film; the impact of marine litter on the Albatross population due to the mother feeding its chick on plastic debris, leading to a digestive blockage and slow starvation. People asked questions and I was encouraged by their interest.

One man approached me and said he has first hand experience of this very problem. He has a holiday home in the Caribbean and ships actually dump litter which is then washed up on the beach outside his house.  He cleans his area of beach but there are two empty properties either side of him which he cannot enter so the rubbish is left and he sees birds feeding on it. He said this problem should have a higher profile.

Another fella, a film maker himself gave me some useful tips. He was critical of certain aspects but I had asked his opinion and appreciated the benefit of his expertise. I finished by asking him, 'was your first film this good?' He replied, 'No'. That was good enough for me.  8pm soon came around and the visitors began to disperse.  I closed down my TV and reinstated the headphones. If the amount of people, possibly 50, who watched the film with open sound had had to do so through headphones, it would have taken hours. I rest my case.

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