Wednesday 25 January 2012

Long time no blog

Time has flown since I last blogged in June 2011 just after receiving my degree results. I have had a complete mental rest.  The final run up to the Degree Show wiped me out. I spent the summer visiting Cumbria and Scotland. Unfortunately my trip to Cumbria was cut short and I had to dash back to Birmingham during the Handsworth rioting.  It was a very tense time as no one knew if the rioting would escalate or fizzle out as quickly as it began. Fortunately the police got a handle on the situation and a week later it was like it had never happened except for two fathers who had lost sons and shopkeepers who had lost their livlihoods. The rioters move on with their mindless lives whilst those innocent victims are rebuilding theirs from scratch.

I have come back to my blog as the Degree ceremony takes place Feb 7th and I want to record my feelings about it.